Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's been a while since i've been here and i'm almost too tired to start an update now, but i the longer i wait, the more "behind" i get.

Last weekend we went to Manitoba for Jonathan's brother's wedding. We left early Friday morning, spent the day at the Science Centre in Regina (and Imax ~ we watched "Deep Sea"), then drove another hour and a half to Whitewood where we stayed with friends for the night. We had a lovely time there (the boys had almost too much fun ~ lol), and a great breakfast (thanks Andrea!)

Saturday morning (not as early this time) we headed out for Winnipeg (area) to my brother and sister-in-law's place. It worked out well that we were there for my youngest nephew's birthday ~ we got to celebrate with him. We also got to check out a dairy farm that is installing robotic milkers. That was a highlight for Jonathan. They'd only started using the robots on Tuesday so they were still trying to get it all working smoothly (it takes a few weeks for the cows to adjust, etc.), but it was fascinating.

That night, Reagan was saying he was cold, but he didn't feel cold to me... we were all a bit sleep-deprived, so i chalked it up to that, but prayed for good health for us all anyway.

Sunday morning we got to Winkler (near Plum Coulee where the wedding was going to be), and joined Jonathan's family and some aunts & uncles for brunch at Smitty's. Reagan wasn't feeling great... he hadn't been too interested in breakfast earlier, but eventually managed a bit of yogurt. Now he wanted a waffle with whipped cream and strawberries ~ and he did manage to eat half of it. But still, he was feeling cold from time to time, and didn't look quite right.

Family pictures were at a beautiful park in a nearby town... we were told for 2:00, but apparently that was just an attempt at making sure everyone was there on time (which was actually 2:30)... so we were all early ~ lol. Reagan lay down on the grass and had a good rest.

The wedding was a 4:00 and lasted the rest of the day. It was beautiful! Jonathan & I both found ourselves fighting tears. We could feel the presence of the Lord ~ He was/is so evident in their lives and their wedding ceremony reflected a relationship build on a Godly foundation. We're excited to see how God will work in and through them. There were plenty of laughs during the reception too, and I find myself wishing we lived closer to them that we could get to know them better...

Anyway, i hear there's a chance of frost tonight, so i better cover my tomato plants...


Robin said...


You have been nominated for an award. Go to my (Actions Speak Loudest) blog to see!


Basketcollector said...

What award did you get? I guess you'll need to keep reading my blog to get updates on how we survived our crazy trip!