Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's been a busy few days again... we had a Bible conference at church from Sunday through Thursday. I only had Logan & Maison a few hours on Tuesday & Wednesday, but on Thursday I ended up watching my nephews Robbie & Andrew for a few hours. That's always an adventure ~ but it was pretty cute to watch when Janique "helped" him clean up. He likes to dump the bucket of blocks on the floor, but doesn't usually play with them, so we insist he cleans them up after a bit too. So Janique started singing a preschool song and inserted his name... "Robbie come and clean up a little bit..." and because he LOVES when anyone is singing, every time she came to the end of the song he'd say "more." Eventually Andrew joined in the singing/game and they must have sung it 20-30 times while handing Robbie the blocks to put back in the bucket. Brenden was getting tired of the song but i pointed out to him that at least Robbie was staying out of trouble, and all three were having fun... so we let them keep singing.

Friday the kids & I went to a science workshop at the school division (our homeschool facilitator put this on for those who were interested). We had fun... my favorite experiment was the soap one... try this... take a piece of bar soap (compare two kinds ~ Ivory is really good to try)... cut a small piece about 1" square or smaller. Place it on a paper towel and microwave it for about 40-80 seconds (really depends on the microwave, but you want to WATCH it anyway, so you'll get an idea when it's "done."

When we got home, there were a few messages, one of them about baby-sitting on Saturday. I figured out it should work out ok, so sure. A bit later my sister called to see if i could watch her five boys that evening, and 4 of them on Saturday. Lol... sure, why not?

Then because i was already busy and for some strange reason feeling ok with it all??? I decided to plan to have friends over for Sunday lunch. This does NOT come easily for me... if i ever feel like i've got food ready to serve, my house doesn't get tidied... or if the house is ever nice enough, i don't know what i'd serve. So then to get it "together" for a Sunday lunch when our Sunday morning is usually pretty short just getting ready for Sunday school/church???... i'm not sure where the idea came from, but there it was. LOL... So we made plans before i could change my mind, and then i just had to work toward that. I had a poor night when i finally got to bed, and ended up with a nasty headache by 2am that's been lingering on and off all day yet too, but we had a wonderful visit as i knew we would.

Update on Jonathan's new job possibility... he seems to be enjoying it ok, or at least he said he was surprised? or pleased? with how easily he was picking up the welding again. He's also seeing some potential?? opportunity to eventually take it out on his own (the boss here mentioned something about sub-contracting some of the welding work that Jonathan is working on now)... who knows? Jonathan is hoping to know by the end of the week which job to keep.


Basketcollector said...

Whoa lady you are going to crash and burn at that rate...are you still going strong or did it catch up to ya? I have productive days and then not so productive ones....kudos on the energy!

Karen said...

Lol... i think the headache was the "catch up" part. I may have earned that one. The baby-sitting part is so normal for us that it doesn't usually affect me unless I do a LOT of it without a break (kind of depends what else is happening in life). But i will admit watching Robbie is more stressful. (It's sometimes easier having my other sister's 5 boys ~ including 2 babies ~ than Robbie).