Monday, January 14, 2008

Children are a blessing

Background info... i'm not into a lot of the more upbeat kinds of music ~ i don't mind some of it, and from time to time i enjoy a bit of it, but i almost have to be "in the mood" for it. Jonathan (and the kids ~ especially the boys) enjoy it.

More background info... i enjoy some classical music from time to time, and the kids (especially the boys) think it's pretty awful. Although i have taught them that classical music encourages learning and intelligence ~ but they still usually groan if i play classical. I don't think Jonathan enjoys it a whole lot either.

So, i've been fighting a headache all day ~ meaning also "i'm not in the mood for loud upbeat music" ~ and Jonathan was listening to a new Newsboys CD.

Darwin noticed how miserable i was feeling ~ on the couch (hey, i did pretty good by not requesting the music to be turned way down or off)... and all of a sudden i saw him in the CD's but it didn't register until he walked over to the stereo with a CD (already had it out of the case) and turned off the Newsboys and put in a classical CD ~ Mozart! He made some comment about me telling them that classical music making him smart... but i am sure he was moved with compassion and it just really BLESSED me! I am so in AWE at God's work in our family ~ when i think of where Darwin & I used to be and how far God has brought both of us... it's not always harmonious, but it's SO much better than it used to be! And to see the character that God is growing in this boy (or maybe i should be calling him a young man since he'll be 13 in a few more days)... very encouraging!

Anyway, just had to share...

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