Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I was just looking for some info about our home school year end reporting stuff, and came across a paper from Saskatchewan Learning that was sent to us in a recent mailing from our local school division. On there I found information saying that school divisions are required to provide access to testing & diagnosis at our request. It also states that "home-based students with designated disabilities receive provincial financial support."

I'm so excited and so upset ~ excited to have the information on paper from Sask. Learning, and upset that we haven't been getting any of this in spite of having asked for it, etc. Besides that, I'm frustrated that we've been so complacent about it all this time... always just accepting what they say, and doing our best with what we have... la de da. Part of that too has been a desire to have as little "interference" as possible with our home schooling and recognizing that what they think is best for him might not be what we think is best for him, in which case, we might be better off without their help. Not sure if that makes sense, but hopefully...

Now I am ready to advocate for my son! I've sent an email to our facilitator asking if there is someone in the local school division we need to talk with, or if we should be going directly to Sask. Learning. I'm ready to go to our MP if necessary... (time for quiet little me to get out of my "middle child" personality and pretend i'm a firstborn?? lol).


Basketcollector said...

Wow when did you switch over here? Looks like I have some catching up to do....since I kept checking your other one and NO updates...lol! Have a super day! You are often in my thoughts! We are doing great!

Karen said...

Well, i guess i've been here since May some time :-) Sorry it took me so long to let you know ~ i've been so "behind" in some of these things.