Monday, October 22, 2007


I'm kind of surprised how well i've managed most of the day with the little sleep i've had... Friday night my brother in Australia was on skype with my sister (who lives a few streets over from us), and they decided to try a conference call to us (on our phone ~ since we hadn't connected to skype yet ~ and even after we've signed up, we don't have the headset yet). That was awesome! We hadn't talked with Larry since he was out for Christmas break. A few emails here & there, and communicating some by blog, but it was good to hear his voice again. We had a very interesting discussion, and by 1:00am (they called us about 10:30) we had made arrangements that he'd call again on Sunday night (after our company left). So between 9:30-10:00 pm we were talking again... this time til well after 1:30.

Originally we thought we'd be able to sleep in Monday morning if necessary (Jonathan has most mornings off this month ~ still haven't figured out how that happened, but i'll just enjoy it), but Sunday afternoon Sherry called to see if i could watch the boys from 7-3:30 on Monday (she was asked to take a day shift), so I was up by 6:40 or so this morning. Fun, fun?? lol... it actually went fairly well and i hardly noticed i was tired until i began reading stories to the little boys thinking they might fall asleep (nap-time). Then i got tired, and Maison "tucked me in" with the blankie i'd pulled out for him ~ ha ha. At first he took the other end of the couch and we shared the blankie, but then he got up and looked at me for a while (my eyes were closed ~ mostly), and went off to play. I was half-way dozing for a bit, so that probably helped me through the rest of the afternoon, and doing some flashcards with the kids this evening nearly put me to sleep again. So i know where i need to be now :-)

I have to be there by 7am again tomorrow morning, but just for about an hour, and then they'll be over for a few hours later in the afternoon. Between that i have a meeting. Darwin is also working tomorrow, so i'll probably be picking them up (hopefully they're done a bit earlier tomorrow than they were today) and then taking Janique to her riding lessons.

We're just waiting for our check already (knowing it's coming sometime this month, but not sure when), to bring us to the point where we can (pay for and) begin our homestudy. Of course there will be enough other expenses pretty quickly too, so i really don't know where the money will all come from for that, and i guess honestly, i'm not sure exactly what God's thoughts are on that ~ should we be looking at a loan? (or refinancing)? or is He asking us to trust Him to provide the money each step of the way?? (and that we shoudn't do anything about it?).

But i'm probably a little too tired to really be trying to wrap my mind around it all right now ~ lol. Guess it's just bedtime!

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