Friday, September 19, 2008

blogging break

Wouldn't it be nice to have the house to myself for a week? Do i really think i'd get done all that i keep thinking i might get done if i no other responsibilities?? But the reality is that it's really not an option... at least not the best option. Primarily, Brenden's program needs to be consistent ~ we were reminded of that at his follow-up appointment yesterday. Just Brenden & I made the trip out to Quill Lake yesterday ~ a 2 1/2 hour drive each way. It was good... a nice drive, good to have the assessment (because i don't see as much progress "day to day" as they will see in the actual evaluation after 4-5months), nice to hear the encouragement, but i knew there would be areas where we haven't been doing well enough. Goodness... for the money and time that we are putting into it, we better maximize the potential! Not to mention, i don't want to be doing this forever!!!

So the truth is, best case scenario, we stick to it diligently (as per schedule ~ i've got it all nicely written up on paper) and we get through basically everything on the list before lunch time (leaving only a few short activities for after lunch). Oh, and the part of the program that Jonathan does with him.

So Reagan is 10 since Tuesday! He's having a friend over to celebrate tomorrow... guess i have a cake to decorate yet, but it should be pretty easy (he wants a snowman cake like the one he did for the Gospel Echoes cake auction last year).

Still babysitting, and maybe it is still almost full-time?? I just take it as it comes and i think it's working out fine with homeschooling too. Might be a little distracting on kindergarten days ~ to bring J to school in the morning, pick her up for lunch, bring her back after lunch, and pick her up again after school. Not a big deal since the school is so close by... but if we keep this up for winter it could be a little more time consuming, etc. Maybe by then J can come/go with her "big sister" or maybe they'll take lunches then? or maybe their mom will be done work by then. (take it as it comes ~ lol).

I'm feeling a bit under the weather (and like a nap would be pretty wonderful today), but i've had my little blogging break and should tackle a project of some sort ~ hmm, computer room, bedroom, downstairs, kitchen, or any other part of the house??

but, Oh right... it's "snack time" (one of them was asking for a snack while we were still eating lunch... and i've heard a few requests since then too... it's about that time).

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