Friday, October 24, 2008

Just an update

We signed our homestudy update/addendum on Wednesday. That was exciting! We really have a wonderful social worker ~ it was good even just to connect with her again. Not sure how long it will take to get the updated paperwork to the right people/place, but there really isn't a big hurry since there are many families ahead of us still waiting for their referrals. Our referral is still months away. The referrals do seem to be coming again, and i'm just eagerly waiting to hear of some sibling referrals. Soon, i'm so sure it'll be soon!

Babysitting... i did say it'd "probably" be slowing down, right? I stuck that "probably" in there for a good reason ~ lol. It's been like that since i started (and i think my starting dates were like that too ~ get a date, and then it changes). So now it looks like til the end of November. I'm totally OK with that. I'm happy to keep babysitting. I was wondering already what i would do til "fill that void" if this job was going to be done. I can't get fostering out of my mind, although i still don't think it's practical at this time. Kind of funny... the other day my dad suggested that Jonathan & I, together with my sister and bil who are fostering already, should do a foster care home type thing together. Funny also, Jonathan was home that day because he wasn't feeling great, (and the kids LOVED him), and I got thinking it'd be kind of nice to have him home full-time and we could do child/foster care together :-) Interesting thought, but i don't think it'll happen (at least not any time soon??). (Apparently it's not a good idea to say never because often that IS what ends up happening).

So there's a little update again, and now i better check on my kiddos... i have 5 extras at the moment, and 4 more coming later (not sure if any of these 5 will have been picked up by then, but it won't be a big overlap anyway). It's been a long time since we've had this many extras, but it's going good. The youngest this time is 3, so no babies to watch out for.

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