Thursday, January 17, 2008

More blessings

This morning, I got breakfast in bed ~ compliments of Darwin (& Jonathan). Pancakes with maple syrup and whipped cream, and scrambled eggs. :-) I felt pretty special!

I have a feeling he'd love a return on that one ~ his birthday is coming up really soon. He'll be 13 on the 23rd!

It's been fun watching him the last couple of days ~ we received a travel guide type book from our adoption agency and he spent a good part of that day looking through it, "planning" our trip. He's still really hoping to come with us when (if) we go. I have mixed feelings about it... obviously it would be super expensive to take all 4 kids, and a little extra busy for us that way, but none of the others seem terribly interested (unless it's just the fear of needles/vaccinations??)... but because Darwin is SO interested, and willing to pay his own way (he's "saving" already), i'd like to give him the opportunity if it would work out ok. He's responsible enough that he could be helpful too, so it might be a plus. In a way it would be good for Jonathan & I to have that time alone to begin bonding with the children... but, we have a long while yet to think it all through.

We did our passports today... should have those back in about 3 weeks. We're planning to sign our homestudy report on Monday night... and then we wait for provincial approval.

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