Friday, August 29, 2008

Communication ???

I'm still babysitting (haven't heard an "end date" yet ~ but i have a feeling it won't be end of August ~ lol)... and school has started now, so i (typically) have all three kids in the morning (8am) til the oldest (Ch) goes to school, and then the other two all day. (J will be starting kdgn in a few weeks). And their mom asked if Ch could come for lunch ~ sure, most of the time that should work out fine. So first day (Wed) that all works out fine.

Yesterday i was busy getting things done at home, and all of a sudden remember "Ch is supposed to come for lunch, what time is it now?" Lunch time! I hurry to get something together so that she doesn't have to wait too long... expecting her at 12:15. 12:20, then 12:25, and by 12:30 i'm really wondering because the day before, she was done and leaving by that time. So I call her mom to find out if there were other arrangements... "oh, yes, sorry i forgot to tell you that she took a lunch to school." Ok... thanks, at least i don't have to wonder where she stayed.

So I expect to see her after school ~ 3:15 or so. 3:20, 3:30... "umm, where is Ch?" Feeling a bit dumb, i call her mom again... but this time i leave a message because she didn't answer. 5min. later i get a return call... "oh sorry i forgot to tell you that Ch won't be coming today..." Ok, so at least i don't need to go look for her!

Then last night while i'm making jelly, the phone rings, and Jonathan takes the call... it was the kids dad. Jonathan tells me he'll be dropping the kids off at 10am this morning. And i asked a few times to clarify they were only coming at 10. Not totally unusual because "dad" is self-employed and sometimes he brings the kids a bit later, but usually it's been by 9:30. Ok... sweet... i get to sleep in :-)

Not! ... 7:50am i wake to a knock on the door ~ strange! Really strange! Who would be knocking on my door at that time of day? I scramble up in my lovely (not) pj's, and answer the door... the girls are there with their mom. Apparently "dad" is only bringing the little boy at 10!

Hmm, ok... take it as it comes!

K, i'm hungry for breakfast

1 comment:

Basketcollector said...

O boy...unprepared for people at your door...that is ME so many times...I am NOT a morning person and now LOTS of people know that too...LOL! Blessing to you as you care for others...