Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quite a while back, in a ladies Bible study, hmm... i think it might have been the book "Calm My Anxious Heart" that we were going through... but i don't remember for sure...

Anyway, there was a little illustration/story that stuck with me and it went something like this... "two women were looking out of a prison cell; one saw dirt, the other saw stars."

I think i'm seeing more dirt than stars today... you know how sometimes that dust just gets into the sky so that even when you're looking up, you still see "dirt?" Lol... ok, not a good excuse, but i have a feeling i shouldn't "dump" about everything that's wearing at me today. Goes along with that saying... "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."

And sometimes when we just want to complain, we're better off counting our blessings (without sarcasm that is...)

Ok, you probably get the point.

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