Monday, July 14, 2008

What a strange feeling!

This morning I drove all the kids to VBS for the day. It's a new experience for them in a few ways... it's not our church's VBS (so new faces and in a new place) and put on by a conservative Mennonite church. Also, it's all day (from 9:30-3:00), and open for children ages 5-15! Our church used to have a longer program, but several years ago shortened it to just the morning, and that's the way it's been since then.

Our church is planning VBS for next week, but they're doing the Veggie Tales program "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." Besides the fact that our personal convictions don't hold up Veggie Tales in high esteem (not sure that we're adamantly opposed, but mildly anyway), our VBS is only up to age 12, and Janique was rather disappointed that her last year was going to be a Veggie Tales theme, and Reagan didn't really sound too interested either. Brenden & Darwin are both too old, so it's kind of neat that they all get to go to this other one. Reagan was most apprehensive ~ guess he's really not used to new group settings ~ and I wasn't going to "make" him stay if he really didn't want to, but he seemed fine with it by the time i left. Friends of our have their kids there as well, but only the older kids are in the same classes... the others are all in between ages. After I left, I realized that i hadn't connected with Brenden's teacher/leader ~ to let him/her? know where Brenden's "academics" are at (just in case he's asked to read or write... stuff like that)... Ooops! Oh well, if i was really concerned, i could've gone back (i'd only just left when i remembered i could've mentioned it), but i'm confident that Brenden & Darwin together will figure out how to manage that.

Unfortunately with the kids all being away all week, we'll be working hard to get Brenden's program done after VBS. I doubt we'll get through it all, but we'll focus on the more important parts.

Oh, i think i'm babysitting on Friday (the new babysitter for the last job i had will be away). Hmm, that could be a different kind of day ~ babysitting without my kids home.

Anyway, I got a chunk of weeding done this morning before i got too hot... so i'm taking a break. I have PLENTY of housework to do anyway!

But first it's lunch time...

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