Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Our busy week of VBS is behind us now ~ feels like quite a while ago already! It went quite well.

The following morning we got up about 5am to go fishing. (Janique didn't want to go, so we brought her over to her cousins' house on Friday night already). I bought a fishing license so that i could be "fishing" too instead of just hanging out and watching (and wishing i could be fishing). I've never caught a fish before, so i was delighted to actually real in 5 fish (not counting the one or two that got away). Two of them were too small to keep... well, three of them actually, but one was so "caught" that by the time Jonathan & Darwin had him/her free, there wasn't enough life left to swim away, so we kept that one too. We're hoping to go back to the same spot sometime. It's not too far ~ about 1 1/2 drive.

Monday I had Logan & Mason all day. They've adjusted well here, and it sounds like they're always looking forward to coming again. That's good :-) We like them too.

Today I had my nephews (Robbie & Andrew) all day. I don't think i could do it if it wasn't for my kids. They help a LOT. In fact, they'll be getting paid for baby-sitting those days. Robbie is a busy boy, and keeps us going pretty constantly.

Thanks Vicki (and anyone else) for praying for me... I'm getting over the disappointment about the deck. We still need to finish up the last of it, but it's been so busy there just hasn't been much extra time. Tomorrow might give us a bit of time, but i'm also trying to get ready for a busy weekend through Wednesday.

I've agreed to have my sister & bil's boys over from Sat. morning til Wed. night. Good thing i have praying friends! I'm trying to plan some meals in advance (even just ideas) and then i need to go shopping. Also trying to come up with something of a schedule (just for parts of the days) to keep things a bit organized. Jonathan works Saturday & Sunday (so he won't be home to help me get everyone ready for church Sunday morning).

And then i think it's almost time that Jonathan & I have a little "get-away" for just the two of us...

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