Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Last night Jonathan said the bull that's been in the barn (with the cows) was being shipped, and they'd be brining in a different one ~ the one that attacked the boss not that long ago. I don't get it?? It's bad enough (from my perspective) to have a bull in there at all, but when it's already proven to be somewhat dangerous, why bring him in? The night shift is of bigger concern since there's not necessarily going to be anyone else in the barn. It's not a huge comfort to me to have Darwin there with him, although it's "better than nothing." Darwin will NOT be going near the bull (except where the bull is contained on the other side of the fence). Not sure how well i'll be sleeping tonight ~ last night i was determined not to dream about bulls attacking... so i dreamed of cougars attacking ~ lol. But Jonathan might have a better idea how the bull is after the shift he's working now. Some of the bulls they've had seem to be a little more respectful when they are brought in.

Jonathan suggested going back to CoverAll (the last job he had), and I think he was near ready to submit his resume today. That makes me think he's serious about leaving the farm... because his wage wouldn't be any better there (at least not for a while).

BUT, this morning he got a call for a job interview, so that appointment is at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Then later on, we missed a call while outside (painting the boards for our new deck), so when I checked messages later, another place had called to set up an interview. I called back (since Jonathan was already at work), but ended up leaving a message and so we haven't scheduled that one yet. Two calls for interviews in one day!!! Wow! And he was beginning to think nothing would come of the resumes he'd submitted... and I was trying to adjust my attitude and just pray for God's leading with the whole job thing. But then, he doesn't have a new job yet... and i'm not sure about details either. One of them looks like they might be only for the second shift (and the pay might not be quite as good as he was expecting)... but we're excited anyway.

i'm still feeling a bit yucky today; almost like getting over a flu bug except that i didn't feel like flu yesterday. But still feeling better than yesterday.

I called Jonathan's mom last night to hopefully get a better idea when they are coming, and like usual, we talked about all kinds of other stuff too... i mentioned (when i thought it was "safe" to do so) our appointment coming up tomorrow with the adoption worker about the idea of adopting this little girl i've talked about. I was cautious with sharing information, but she still shared her well-meaning "cautions" with me, concerned about me taking on too much and informing me that i have nerve problems ~ and that really bothered me. Not willing to leave that one open like a foothold for the devil, i quickly explained to her that just because i had a breakdown does not mean that i will accept a life-time curse of nerve problems. I'm not sure if she really "got it" but i couldn't leave that door open! God has done (and is doing) so much healing in my life, i wish she could acknowledge that God DOES heal and believe with me that He will continue to heal... and/or maybe i just wish she would recognize God's leading in our lives, and trust God about some of these things that might look bigger than us... (sometimes it's hard enough for me to have that much faith).

Anyway, i guess i have a ton of work to do ~ Jonathan's parents are planning to come out next week Tuesday. We need to get the boards (& backyard) ready for building the deck ~ we started painting them today, but it's raining now. Also need to clean house and have a place ready for them (likely the boys room downstairs). My garden has also become an embarassment ~ almost nothing came up ~ except weeds. There's a THICK row of carrots (did i mention the kids planted the garden ~ lol) and three rows of potatoes (almost under weeds), my four tomato plants and one watermelon plant which likley won't get big enough soon enough to produce any fruit. And although i had the weeds pretty much cleaned out, they've come back almost with a vengance. It's been either too hot or too wet most days for me to be weeding, and then baby-sitting plays into it a bit too. The boys like me to be doing things with them, and so far i've been trying to accomodate when it's practical.

So i'm off to work...

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