Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Summer holidays?? Huh? What's that?? Lol...

So last week Tuesday, Jonathan's parents got here at 5:00pm ~ just after Logan & Mason's dad picked them up. They stayed until Saturday after lunch... and i was ready for the break. The deck is pretty much done, but there are a few things that we plan to change/fix. The way Jonathan's dad talks, i really was expecting a good job of the deck... but he pretty much flew by the seat of his pants, and so there are quite a few things that we'll just have to "live with" because it would be way too much to fix them all. It is a deck, and there's a possibility that if they hadn't come to help us, we might not have had a deck for another 10yrs., so i'm trying to think appreciative thoughts, but still struggling to let all the "imperfections" go. Feel free to pray for me about that.

Saturday afternoon/evening I helped serve at a wedding at our church. We've had a lot of hot weather lately, so the kitchen at church (no air conditioning) got plenty warm enough. We haven't been able to cool down our house much overnight either, so the heat and humidity has been wearing on some of us.

This week is VBS at church. We're still having heat waves. On Sunday night we were decorating (or trying to) our classroom, and i was stuck with an upstairs room. It was so stuffy/hot in there i gave up pretty quick. Besides, the sticky tac wasn't holding anyway ~ think it was too warm. It turned out that there's an extra classroom on main floor, so tomorrow we'll be in there instead. Woohoo! I've got 12 juniors in my group, so i'm thankful for my helper!

Yesterday we finally went to a friend's house for a while (over supper) to cool off ~ it was deliciously cool! I was feeling a bit sick already from all the heat (i think that's what it was)... so last night we slept downstairs ~ but of course, it doesn't sleep the same, and it's not very cool downstairs by now either.

Well, i'm getting extra chances to baby-sit. I could have my nephews Robbie & Andrew over this weekend, but Jonathan & the boys have been tentatively planning a fishing trip, and i thought it'd be nice if we could make it a family thing. Still feeling bad though that Joe will probably be going without Trudy (to Winnipeg) because they can't find sitters. (Their boys are a bit of a handful).

And my sister Mary called this evening to ask if we might have their five boys (their own three plus two foster children) for 5 days in August. Hmmm, that's a loaded question ~ lol. Since i've agreed to have Robbie & Andrew one day/week (starting next week), and with my other baby-sitting job, that one day i'd have 11 kids all day (plus my other two boys from 3:30-5;00). I'm thinking about that one... lol. Might be a chance for my kids to make a little extra money too, but we'll see...

Oh, job interview update ~ Jonathan didn't get the job. Oh well...

ok, i better go... see if it's cool enough upstairs to sleep in my bed tonight

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'll be praying for you, Karen! It sounds like you have some decisions to make!