Sunday, February 10, 2008

Today when we came home from church, something smelled strange. First smell at the door, some of us thought it almost smelled like some kind of freshly baked bread (maybe a sourdough type of bread?), but Darwin said "no, it stinks!" As we walked up the stairs and into the kitchen, i realized he was right... it DID stink! Something smelled burnt, like burning plastic? or, burned electonics, i thought. After checking through the house, we focused on the kitchen, and finally determined it was the ceiling fan. Strange... we'd turned it on before we left for church because there was ice building up on the garden doors, and it was on high, or almost high speed when we left, but now it was only going slowly. We ended up pulling it down and something in there was definately fried... and the wires were obviously getting hot. I guess we're not exactly sure what would've happened if we hadn't noticed... but we are thankful that we came home when we did. Earlier we had considered packing a bag lunch and going out after church (to an event in the city)... but weren't sure because of the very cold weather. (After this we ended up staying home). Praise God for taking care of everything! I think i'll try to appreciate the dim lighting in there til we get it replaced (i tend to like it bright)...

Ok, Reagan is WAITING for me to play scrabble with him ~ lol ~ so i better go. I guess i'm the one who got him into the game in the first place :-)


Robin said...

Please keep praying for Daniel - he's had a set back today...

Basketcollector said...

Whoa....I am so glad you are safe and it wasn't worse!