Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sometimes my blog must almost be boring... sorry.

This week with no school (Easter break, or spring break?), we have both Robbie & Andrew every day (except Friday because we've asked to have Friday's off). And mostly longer days too (starting at 9:45 ~ when Robbie has preschool he gets here about 11:30). Today it took me 2 hours to get Robbie down for his nap! I took a break after 1 1/2 hours while he sat in his chair for a bit, but then took him back on my lap for another half-hour before he finally gave in. So there's a reason i sometimes feel like i'm getting nothing done. I did some reading with Brenden today, but our "homeschool" has been very challenged lately! It's easier when it's just Robbie, so hopefully next week will go more smoothly again... but it's feeling like a long time til June ~ lol. Still trying to maintain a good attitude about it all.

Jonathan has an even earlier shift now ~ they call it "summer hours" (even though it's only March??). It's not a bad shift at the end of the work day (done at 2:00), but getting up at 4:30 (to be at work by 5:30) might be a bit brutal after a bit. The reasoning is ok ~ welding gets warm, so in the summer heat it can be unbearable ~ but we're still doing winter! We'll see... if it's too crazy, he might be able to come in a bit later.

I'm waiting patiently (so far) to hear from our adoption worker about our provincial approval. I'd like to call already and be sure she got all our paperwork and is working on it, but i don't want to be impatient either. She should've had everything last week Monday, so i think it's about time to call ~ maybe tomorrow if we haven't heard anything by then.

1 comment:

Basketcollector said...

O I know EXACTLY how you feel...this morning I gave Ashton a nice 8 oz bottle and guess what he was MAD it was all...so another 4 oz....then he was up and ready to go....that was 1 1/2 hrs ago...grrrr he's happy but I just needed a BREAK! Hope you had a better day.....