Thursday, March 20, 2008

This week is going better. I'm pretty sure that (last week) i had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and head causing my head to feel yucky ~ and affecting how i felt overall. So I'm very thankful to have a clear head again!

So far Brenden & Reagan are doing pretty good with Robbie, but today looks like it could be a bigger challenge. We have both boys today since 9:30 because there's no school. And all of next week is the same.

I also have my other sister's boys today ~ my brother-in-law called at 8 this morning asking if we could watch them (just the older 4) because my sister is at the hospital with the other two. She took the 1yr. old (foster boy) in last night (i assume breathing problems ~ asthma or pneumonia?) and this morning they were still waiting for him to be admitted (waiting for a bed). She's got their baby with her too and hasn't slept all night! UGH! I don't know how she does it! Of course i can watch the other 4! (they don't have school today).

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