Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Glad softball season is over!

It's not that i mind the game, and i love to watch my children's sports... but it almost hurts to lose game after game. Tonight's game was the biggest loss of the season. And it's a good thing they are limited to 6 runs. The other team got their 6 runs every time they were up to bat, and it took til the LAST inning for our team to actually get any runs ~ and then they made it good and got 3! Lol... But i had a nice chat with a mom from the other town/team (her son was playing). I think Darwin is a bit discouraged that they didn't do better in the season and he's talking about not playing next year... but it's a short season, and with so few players returning year after year (and a bunch of kids new to ball each year who are learning from scratch), it's just hard to make a lot of progress in such short time. They seemed to have fun though (mostly), so that's really what it's about.


Basketcollector said...

wow sounds like your last few weeks have been eventful with falling and's SO hard to function at top speed when you are out and ball games huh? We never got our kids into any games cuz we never liked the rat race it seemed it created to get to the practice and games themselves...but my guys don't ever complain either tht so and so does and they can't...I admire those families who commit to the seasons and make it fun for the kids...have a good weekend...Ashton is ALL better again! PTL!

Karen said...

I think if the kids were in school they'd get enough "sports" that we wouldn't be too motivated to let them play in spring... but then again, i guess they don't play softball in school anymore, so for that we might still do the busy season :-) ?? :-/

I'm glad to hear Ashton is all better!