Sunday, June 8, 2008


I guess my fall the other day hurt my knee more than i realized. The bruise on that knee doesn't look all that bad, but the pain if i kneel on it!!!! It doesn't hurt unless i kneel on it, so i keep forgetting it's hurt ~ until i accidentally kneel on it. And then it burns! It feels something like a very nasty rug-burn and/or a big wound being ripped open. And then it continues to burn for a while. Strange, because it doesn't "look" like it should hurt that much. I think i almost scared my little guy today when i got down on the floor to get his diaper on him after he went potty... i forgot about my knee until i was on it, and it hurt SO bad i yelped in pain as i quickly tried to get off that knee. I think i've probably bruised the actual bone... Jonathan wondered if i might have chipped it too, but i don't think so. However, if it continues to hurt like this for too long, i might get it checked. Not that there's likely anything they'll do for it...

Oh well... most of the time I AM remembering now to stay off that knee ~ lol.

We had an absolutely beautiful day for Reagan's soccer tournament on Saturday. The forecast that morning was for showers, but all day was perfect soccer weather ~ not too hot, not too cold (light jacket over a t-shirt was about perfect for me ~ shorts and t's for the players was fine), and almost no wind.

We came home taking a drive through the country along the way, and as we neared home, the clouds were beautifully dark blue and grey. I suggested the kids quickly pick up anything outside that they didn't want blown away, and we brought our stuff from the van inside... hadn't been in one minute and it was hailing. Nothing too big, but fascinating since we don't see hail too often. It was pretty cool watching it come down the eavestrough with the rain that followed. The rain did a lot to melt it quickly too. I got a few pictures, but we had to download what was on the camera before taking more, so by that time the hail was melting quite a bit.

Well, i better run check on my kiddos...

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